

MapReduce = Programming Model + Execution Framework

Cluster Architecture

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Cluster Architecture


Simplest environment for parallel processing

MapReduce Execution Framework

Distributed File System

Distributed File System


Distribution of the input

Execution Flow Overview

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Overall schematic diagram for MapReduce framework

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MapReduce: Step-by-Step Execution

MapReduce: Step-by-Step Execution

MapReduce: Output

Execution Overview

(1)MapReduce splits the Input files into M “splits” then Starts many copies of program on servers

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(2) One copy(the master) is special. The rest are workers. The master picks idle workers And assigns each 1 of M map tasks or 1of R reduce tasks.

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(3) A map worker reads the input split. It parses key/value pairs of the input data and passes each pair to the user defined map function.

(4) Write to the buffers

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(5) Read intermediate key/value pairs, sort them by its key.

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(6) Perform a reduce task for each intermediate key, write the result to the output files

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MapReduce Synchronization

MapReduce Failure Handling

MapReduce Failure Handling

MapReduce Redundant Execution